o:id 13576 o:resource_template Correspondence Collection o:resource_class dctype:Collection o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Johann Bernard Husam Letters Johann Bernard Husam Briefe dcterms:description This collection of letters, dating from between 1866 and 1901, was sent to [Johann] Bernard Husam, who immigrated to the United States in 1855 and settled in Adams County, Illinois. The letters were sent to Husam by his relatives who lived in and near the village of Albersloh and the city of Münster, in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Partial translations of some of the letters were created by Joan Schell, a descendant of Johann Bernard Husam. She passed the letters and her translations on to her nephew, Steve Schell, who provided the collection to the German Heritage in Letters project. The largest number of letters were sent to Bernard Husam by his sister, Luetke, who was first married to a man named Geisker and then a man named Steinhorst. Bernard's brother Heinrich also wrote him multiple letters. Diese Sammlung von Briefen aus der Zeit zwischen 1866 und 1901 wurde an [Johann] Bernard Husam geschickt, der 1855 in die Vereinigten Staaten einwanderte und sich in Adams County, Illinois, niederließ. Die Briefe wurden Husam von seinen Verwandten zugesandt, die in und umdas Dorf Albersloh und der Stadt Münster in Nordrhein-Westfalen lebten. Teilübersetzungen einiger Briefe wurden von Joan Schell, einer Nachfahrin von Johann Bernard Husam, angefertigt. Sie gab die Briefe und ihre Übersetzungen an ihren Neffen Steve Schell weiter, der die Sammlung dem Projekt German Heritage in Letters zur Verfügung stellte. Die meisten Briefe erhielt Bernard Husam von seiner Schwester Luetke, die zunächst mit einem Mann namens Geisker und dann mit einem Mann namens Steinhorst verheiratet war. Auch Bernards Bruder Heinrich schrieb ihm mehrere Briefe. dcterms:publisher Steve Schell family collection dcterms:valid 1865/1884 -- o:id 19304 o:resource_template Correspondence Circle o:resource_class dcterms:AgentClass o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Husam Family Circle Familienkreis Husam dcterms:description Individuals mentioned in the Johann Bernard Husam Letters dcterms:isReferencedBy 13576 -- o:id 13601 o:resource_template Correspondence Collection o:resource_class dctype:Collection o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Hess/Hassel Family Letters Briefe der Familie Hess/Hassel dcterms:description This group of letters is part of the Heinrich A. Ratterman Collection of German-American Manuscripts, held by the Illinois History and Lincoln Collections division of the University of Illinois Library. The letters were sent to Friedrich Wilhelm Hess of Cincinnati by his mother, Marianne von Rappard Hassel, and his sister, Emilie Hassel, between 1871 and 1877. Hess was evidently born with the name Adolf Hassel in Hamm, Westfalen, but for reasons that are unclear adopted the name Hess at some point after arriving in the United States. Diese Gruppe von Briefen ist Teil der Heinrich A. Ratterman Collection of German-American Manuscripts, die sich im Besitz der Illinois History and Lincoln Collections Division der University of Illinois Library befindet. Die Briefe wurden an Friedrich Wilhelm Hess in Cincinnati von seiner Mutter, Marianne von Rappard Hassel, und seiner Schwester, Emilie Hassel, zwischen 1871 und 1877 geschickt. Hess wurde als Adolf Hassel in Hamm in Westfalen geboren, nahm aber aus unbekannten Gründen irgendwann nach seiner Ankunft in den Vereinigten Staaten den Namen Hess an. dcterms:publisher Illinois History and Lincoln Collections, University of Illinois Library dcterms:source Heinrich A. Ratterman Collection of German-American Manuscripts dcterms:valid 1871/1877 -- o:id 13581 o:resource_template Correspondence Collection o:resource_class dctype:Collection o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Nuss Family Letters Briefe der Familie Nuss dcterms:description Wilhelmina “Minnie” Vieting Nuss and her husband (Wilhelm) Gustav Nuss arrived in Philadelphia on June 21, 1883 with their four children: Clara Dora, Heinrich, Frederick and Pauline. They came from Langendreer in Westphalia (now part of the city of Bochum) and sailed from Antwerp on the Vaterland. They first stayed with relatives in Philadelphia who had come before them and later lived in their own home(s) in Philadelphia. These letters, mostly sent to Wilhelmina Nuss by her family in Langendreer, descended to her daughter, Clara Dora Nuss Fish, and then to Clara Fish's great-granddaughter, Cheryl A. Baggs, who contributed them to the German Heritage in Letters collection. Wilhelmina „Minnie" Vieting Nuss und ihr Mann (Wilhelm) Gustav Nuss kamen am 21. Juni 1883 in Philadelphia an, zusammen mit ihren vier Kindern Clara Dora, Heinrich, Frederick und Pauline. Sie stammten aus Langendreer in Westfalen (heute Teil der Stadt Bochum) und segelten von Antwerpen aus mit der Vaterland. Sie wohnten zunächst bei Verwandten in Philadelphia, die vor ihnen nach Amerika gekommen waren, und später in ihrem eigenen Haus bzw. ihren eigenen Häusern in Philadelphia. Diese Briefe, die hauptsächlich von ihrer Familie in Langendreer an Wilhelmina Nuss geschickt wurden, gelangten zu ihrer Tochter, Clara Dora Nuss Fish, und dann zu Clara Fishs Urenkelin Cheryl A. Baggs, die sie in die Sammlung German Heritage in Letters einbrachte. dcterms:publisher Cheryl A. Baggs collection dcterms:source Nuss family letters dcterms:valid 1881/1898 -- o:id 13588 o:resource_template Correspondence Collection o:resource_class dctype:Collection o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Henry Villard Family Letters Briefe der Familie Henry Villard dcterms:description Correspondence sent to journalist and entrepreneur Henry Villard from his German relatives. Villard, born Heinrich Hilgard in 1835, in Speyer, was born into a wealthy family and first traveled to the United States in 1853. He spent his first years in the United States living with cousins who had immigrated to Illinois, but by the early 1860s was launched on a career as a journalist and business promoter. The bulk of the letters in this collection, drawn from the Henry Villard Papers held by the Houghton Library at Harvard University, were written by his sister Emma Hilgard von Xylander and other Hilgard family members. Korrespondenz, die der Journalist und Unternehmer Henry Villard von seinen deutschen Verwandten erhielt. Villard, der 1835 als Heinrich Hilgard in Speyer geboren wurde, stammte aus einer wohlhabenden Familie und reiste 1853 erstmals in die Vereinigten Staaten. Seine ersten Jahre in den Vereinigten Staaten verbrachte er bei Cousins, die nach Illinois eingewandert waren, doch schon in den frühen 1860er Jahren begann er eine Karriere als Journalist und Wirtschaftsförderer. Der Großteil der Briefe in dieser Sammlung, die aus den Henry Villard Papers der Houghton Library der Harvard University stammt, wurde von seiner Schwester Emma Hilgard von Xylander und anderen Mitgliedern der Familie Hilgard geschrieben. dcterms:publisher Houghton Library, Harvard University dcterms:source Henry Villard Papers, MS Am 1322. Finding aid: https://hollisarchives.lib.harvard.edu/repositories/24/resources/1540. dcterms:valid 1864/1900 dcterms:references 19284 -- o:id 19284 o:resource_template Correspondence Circle o:resource_class dcterms:AgentClass o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Hilgard Family Circle Familienkreis Hilgard dcterms:description Der Familienkreis Hilgard umfasst Personen, die in drei Korresponzenden vorkommen: 1) zwischend den Engelmann Geschwister an ihre Schwester Margarethe Hilgard geb. Engelmann 2) zwischen dem in die USA immigrieten Henry Villard alias Heinrich Hilgard und seinen Verwandten in Deutschland 3) zwischen Theodor Hilgard und seiner Mutter Maria Dorothea Hilgard geb. Engelmann The Hilgard family circle includes people who appear in three correspondences: 1) between the Engelmann siblings to their sister Margarethe Hilgard, née Engelmann 2) between Henry Villard alias Heinrich Hilgard, who immigrated to the USA, and his relatives in Germany 3) between Theodor Hilgard and his mother Maria Dorothea Hilgard, née Engelmann dcterms:isReferencedBy 246 13606 13588 -- o:id 939 o:resource_class dctype:Collection o:owner kuehbauch@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Henry Villard Family Letters - OBSOLETE dcterms:description Correspondence sent to journalist and entrepreneur Henry Villard from his German relatives. Villard, born Heinrich Hilgard in 1835, in Speyer, was born into a wealthy family and first traveled to the United States in 1853. He spent his first years in the United States living with cousins who had immigrated to Illinois, but by the early 1860s was launched on a career as a journalist and business promoter. The bulk of the letters in this collection, drawn from the Henry Villard Papers held by the Houghton Library at Harvard University, were written by his sister Emma Hilgard von Xylander and other Hilgard family members. dcterms:publisher Houghton Library, Harvard University dcterms:contributor Houghton Library, Harvard University dcterms:source Henry Villard Papers, MS Am 1322. Finding aid: https://hollisarchives.lib.harvard.edu/repositories/24/resources/1540. dcterms:valid 1881-1899 dcterms:extent 69 dcterms:provenance institutional archive -- o:id 21146 o:resource_template Transcription Collection o:resource_class dctype:Collection o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Diederichsen Transcription Collection dcterms:subject single collection dcterms:description This transcription collection includes letters written by Heinrich Diederichsen, an engineer living in Schleswig-Holstein, to his father Detlef and brother Anton, who both immigrated to the United States in the 1890s. bibo:status fully untranscribed -- o:id 21818 o:resource_template Correspondence Circle o:resource_class dcterms:AgentClass o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Baethge Family Circle dcterms:description Family members of immigrants Heinrich Baethge and his wife Conradine Pape (Baethge), who emigrated from Mascherode (near Brunswick) to Texas in 1854. --