o:id 13571 o:resource_template Correspondence Collection o:resource_class dctype:Collection o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Eugen and Emma Klee Letters Eugen und Emma Klee Briefe dcterms:description This collection of letters is drawn from the Eugen and Emma Klee Papers, held by the Joseph P. Horner Memorial Library of the German Society of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The bulk of the letters presented here were sent by Eugen Haas of Knittelsheim (a small settlement located near Karlsruhe) to his uncle Eugen Klee, a musician who had settled in Philadelphia in the early 1900s. They record Haas’ life in Germany before, during, and in the years after World War I. Letters from other relatives of Eugen Haas, including members of the Cherdron family, are also part of the collection. A separate collection of Eugen Klee letters from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania includes letters dating from the 1890s to 1911, many of which were written by the same family members. To view the letters in this collection in chronological order, click here. Diese Sammlung von Briefen stammt aus den Eugen und Emma Klee Papers, die sich im Besitz der Joseph P. Horner Memorial Library der Deutschen Gesellschaft von Pennsylvania in Philadelphia befinden. Der Großteil der hier vorgestellten Briefe wurde von Eugen Haas aus Knittelsheim,einer kleinen Siedlung in der Nähe von Karlsruhe, an seinen Onkel Eugen Klee geschrieben, einen Musiker, der sich in den frühen 1900er Jahren in Philadelphia niedergelassen hatte. Sie dokumentieren Haas' Leben in Deutschland vor, während und in den Jahren nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Briefe von anderen Verwandten von Eugen Haas, darunter Mitglieder der Familie Cherdron, sind ebenfalls Teil der Sammlung. Eine separate Sammlung von Eugen-Klee-Briefen der Historical Society of Pennsylvania umfasst Briefe aus den Jahren 1890 bis 1911, von denen viele von denselben Familienmitgliedern geschrieben wurden. Um die Briefe in dieser Sammlung in chronologischer Reihenfolge zu sehen, klicken Sie hier. dcterms:publisher Horner Library, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania dcterms:source Eugen and Emma Klee Papers dcterms:relation Finding aid for the Eugen and Emma Klee Papers dcterms:valid 1909/1919 dcterms:references 19287 -- o:id 13604 o:resource_template Correspondence Collection o:resource_class dctype:Collection o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Wuellner Family Letters Briefe der Familie Wuellner dcterms:description The Wuellner Family Letters represent correspondence sent to John Joseph Wuellner, who emigrated from Schwaney (near Paderborn) to the Alton, Illinois area in 1881, at the age of 19. Having apprenticed as a cabinet maker in Germany, he launched a long-lasting construction company in Alton. Bei den Wuellner-Familienbriefen handelt es sich um die Korrespondenz mit John Joseph Wuellner, der 1881 im Alter von 19 Jahren aus Schwaney (bei Paderborn) in die Gegend von Alton, Illinois, auswanderte. Nach einer Tischlerlehre in Deutschland gründete er ein Bauunternehmen in Alton, das viele Jahre in Betrieb war. dcterms:valid 1881/1895 dcterms:references 19285 dcterms:provenance personal collection -- o:id 19281 o:resource_template Correspondence Circle o:resource_class dcterms:AgentClass o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Ziegenhagen Family Circle Familienkreis Ziegenhagen dcterms:description Individuals mentioned in the Ziegenhagen Family Letters. Franz (or Frank) Ziegenhagen, born in 1825, married Regina Riemer in 1848 in Damnitz, Kreis Schlochau, West Prussia. They had five children who lived to adulthood: Franziska, Emma, Franz (Junior), Maria (or Mary), and Antonia. Franz's first wife died in 1869 and in 1871 he married Dorothea (Dora) Schmidt. Franz and Dora Ziegenhagen had seven children between 1871 and 1880, of whom four survived childhood. Franz (Senior) and his adult son, Franz (also known as Frank), immigrated to New York in July of 1880, via Hamburg. Later in the summer, Dora Ziegenhagen also immigrated with her four young children, her two adult stepdaughters, Antonia and Maria Ziegenhagen, and Maria’s young daughter Ida Ziegenhagen. Franz and Dora Ziegenhagen had another five children in the United States, of whom three survived to adulthood. Correspondents include Franz's daughter Franziska Ziegenhagen Mansolf, who remained in West Prussia, and Franziska's son, Franz (or Frank) Mansolf, who immigrated to the United States, briefly returned to West Prussia, and then immigrated to the United States again for good. Later correspondents include the daughters of Emma Ziegenhagen Wadzinski, Angelika Wadzinski Hoffman and Martha Wadzinski Heldt. Also part of the Ziegenhagen Family Circle are members of the Otto and Czekalla families, who were related to Dorothea Schmidt Ziegenhagen. Dora Ziegenhagen was the eldest of the three children of Eva Kilian and Joseph Schmidt; after Joseph Schmidt's death, Eva Kilian remarried to Lorenz Otto and had four more children with him. The Czekalla family are related to Dora Ziegenhagen through her sister Maria Schmidt, who married Lorenz Czekalla. dcterms:isReferencedBy 13609 dcterms:mediator Mindy Andreasen -- o:id 20867 o:resource_template Correspondence Collection o:resource_class dctype:Collection o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Sosnowski Family Letters dcterms:description This collection contains letters sent to Sophie Sosnowski, who was born at Pforzheim, Baden in 1809. The daughter of Christian Wentz, who was court physician to the Duke of Baden, in 1835 she married Polish aristocrat Joseph Sosnowski. They immigrated to the United States not long afterwards. Sophie Sosnowski became a widow with three children upon Joseph Sosnowski's death. She supported her family by teaching at a succession of schools for wealthy young women, first in New York State and eventually in Georgia and South Carolina. The letters in this collection were sent to Sosnowski by her sister, brother-in-law, and niece, who remained in Germany. dcterms:publisher South Carolina Historical Society dcterms:source Sosnowski Family Papers (1840-1967), SCHS 158.00 dcterms:valid 1840/1858 dcterms:extent 11 dcterms:references 20868 --