o:id 13587 o:resource_template Correspondence Circle o:resource_class dcterms:AgentClass o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Mehler-Flechtker Correspondence Mehler-Flechtker-Korrespondenz dcterms:description Hugo Eugen Mehler was born in Langerfeld, in the Rhineland, in 1885; Martha Flechtker was born in Barmen in 1889. The couple were married in Germany, and Hugo immigrated to the United States in Philadelphia by himself in 1912. In 1913, Martha joined him there, and they lived in Philadelphia for the next several years and started a family there. The couple eventually moved to Churchville, a community in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, northeast of Philadelphia, where they raised their eight children. This collection largely consists of postcards sent to the Mehlers by family and friends in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. Hugo Eugen Mehler wurde 1885 in Langerfeld im Rheinland geboren; Martha Flechtker wurde 1889 in Barmen geboren. Das Paar heiratete in Deutschland, und Hugo wanderte 1912 allein in die Vereinigten Staaten nach Philadelphia aus. Im Jahr 1913 folgte Martha ihm und sie lebten die nächsten Jahre in Philadelphia und gründeten dort eine Familie. Das Paar zog schließlich nach Churchville, einer Gemeinde in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, nordöstlich von Philadelphia, wo sie ihre acht Kinder aufzogen. Diese Sammlung besteht größtenteils aus Postkarten, die den Mehlers in den 1930er und 1940er Jahren von Familie und Freunden in Deutschland geschickt wurden. dcterms:publisher Joanne Fabian collection dcterms:contributor Joanne Fabian dcterms:valid 1936/1949 dcterms:isReferencedBy 21126 -- o:id 19575 o:resource_template Correspondence Collection o:resource_class dctype:Collection o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Lugo Family Letters dcterms:description Collection relating to Ingeborg Henningsen and the family of her mother, Martha Fredenhagen Henningsen. -- o:id 19281 o:resource_template Correspondence Circle o:resource_class dcterms:AgentClass o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Ziegenhagen Family Circle Familienkreis Ziegenhagen dcterms:description Individuals mentioned in the Ziegenhagen Family Letters. Franz (or Frank) Ziegenhagen, born in 1825, married Regina Riemer in 1848 in Damnitz, Kreis Schlochau, West Prussia. They had five children who lived to adulthood: Franziska, Emma, Franz (Junior), Maria (or Mary), and Antonia. Franz's first wife died in 1869 and in 1871 he married Dorothea (Dora) Schmidt. Franz and Dora Ziegenhagen had seven children between 1871 and 1880, of whom four survived childhood. Franz (Senior) and his adult son, Franz (also known as Frank), immigrated to New York in July of 1880, via Hamburg. Later in the summer, Dora Ziegenhagen also immigrated with her four young children, her two adult stepdaughters, Antonia and Maria Ziegenhagen, and Maria’s young daughter Ida Ziegenhagen. Franz and Dora Ziegenhagen had another five children in the United States, of whom three survived to adulthood. Correspondents include Franz's daughter Franziska Ziegenhagen Mansolf, who remained in West Prussia, and Franziska's son, Franz (or Frank) Mansolf, who immigrated to the United States, briefly returned to West Prussia, and then immigrated to the United States again for good. Later correspondents include the daughters of Emma Ziegenhagen Wadzinski, Angelika Wadzinski Hoffman and Martha Wadzinski Heldt. Also part of the Ziegenhagen Family Circle are members of the Otto and Czekalla families, who were related to Dorothea Schmidt Ziegenhagen. Dora Ziegenhagen was the eldest of the three children of Eva Kilian and Joseph Schmidt; after Joseph Schmidt's death, Eva Kilian remarried to Lorenz Otto and had four more children with him. The Czekalla family are related to Dora Ziegenhagen through her sister Maria Schmidt, who married Lorenz Czekalla. dcterms:isReferencedBy 13609 dcterms:mediator Mindy Andreasen --