o:id 6480 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 251 dcterms:description Brief von Hans V. Weinhardt an William W. Weinhardt, 26. April 1923. Dieser Brief kennzeichnete den ersten Kontakt zwischen der Familie Weinhardt in Schwabach und ihren Verwandten in Indiana seit mehreren Jahrzehnten. In dem Brief erklärt Hans, dass er im Schwabacher Rathaus Hinweise darauf gefunden habe, dass Mitglieder der Familie Weinhardt 1848 nach Fort Wayne, Indiana, eingewandert seien, und fragt, ob William W. Weinhardt von ihnen abstamme. Es wurde schließlich festgestellt, dass Hans' Vater William Weinhardts Cousin dritten Grades war. Letter from John V. Weinhardt to William W. Weinhardt, April 26, 1923. The letter marked the first contact between the Weinhardt family in Schwabach and their relatives in Indiana in several decades. In the letter, Hans explains that he had found evidence at the Schwabach town hall that members of the Weinhardt family had immigrated to Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1848 and asks if William W. Weinhardt is descended from them. It was eventually determined that Hans' father was William Weinhardt's third cousin. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-04-26 26. April 1923 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Schwabach, Bayern Schwabach, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 English available transcribed -- o:id 6481 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 21161 dcterms:description Brief von John Yungmeyer an Hans V. Weinhardt, 10. Juni 1923. Yungmeyer war ein Freund von William Weinhardt, den Hans Weinhardt zwei Monate zuvor brieflich kontaktiert hatte, um den Kontakt zwischen den beiden Zweigen der Familie Weinhardt wiederherzustellen. Der Brief, der offensichtlich von William Weinhardt (der weder Deutsch lesen noch schreiben konnte) an Yungmeyer diktiert wurde, enthält William Weinhardts Erläuterungen zur Geschichte der Familie in Indiana. Am Ende des Briefes teilt Yungmeyer einige Informationen über seine eigene Einwanderungsgeschichte mit. Letter from John Yungmeyer to John V. Weinhardt, June 10, 1923. Yungmeyer was a friend of William Weinhardt, whom Hans Weinhardt had contacted by letter two months earlier to re-establish contact between the two branches of the Weinhardt family. The letter, evidently dictated by William Weinhardt (who could not read or write German) to Yungmeyer, includes William Weinhardt's explanation of the family's history in Indiana. At the conclusion of the letter, Yungmeyer shares some information about his own immigration history. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-06-10 10. Juni 1923 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:provenance Note: The letter can be dated to June 10 because this is the date Hans mentions in the letter of June 25, 1923. foaf:depicts 314 foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 6482 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Hans V. Weinhardt an William W. Weinhardt, 25. Juni 1923 John V. Weinhardt to William W. Weinhardt, June 25, 1923 dcterms:creator 251 dcterms:description Brief von Hans V. Weinhardt an William W. Weinhardt, 25. Juni 1923. Letter from John V. Weinhardt to William W. Weinhardt, June 25, 1923. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-06-25 25. Juni 1923 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Schwabach, Bayern Schwabach, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7348 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 309 311 21160 dcterms:description Letter from Margarete Weinhardt and her daughters Johanna and Marie Weinhardt to their cousin, William W. Weinhardt, January 18, 1924. Brief von Margarete Weinhardt und ihren Töchtern Johanna und Marie Weinhardt an ihren Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 18. Januar 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-01-18 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language German Deutsch dcterms:coverage Schwabach, Bayern dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 3 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7381 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Sohn, John V. Weinhardt, und die Verwandten William W. und Carrie Weinhardt, 28. Juli 1925. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his son, John V. Weinhardt, and relatives William W. and Carrie Weinhardt, July 28, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-07-28 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern dcterms:audience 251 314 21159 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 809 o:resource_template News Item o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner samuel@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title New Exhibit: “Invitation to Indiana” dcterms:description Our new digital exhibit, “Invitation to Indiana: John Weinhardt's Story” begins in 1923, when a fifteen-year-old from the town of Schwabach, in Bavaria, sent a letter to the United States hoping to make contact with the descendants of a distant relative who had immigrated in the 19th century. dcterms:spatial Washington, D.C. dcterms:dateSubmitted 2020-07-29 -- o:id 7370 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, John V. Weinhardt, 15. Dezember 1924. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, John V. Weinhardt, December 15, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-12-15 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 English available transcribed -- o:id 11537 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, 1. August 1923. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, August 1, 1923. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-08-01 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 310 dcterms:extent 3 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcribed -- o:id 7357 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, John V. Weinhardt, 6. Juni 1924. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, John V. Weinhardt, June 6, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-06-06 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcribed -- o:id 7338 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 25. Juni 1923. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, June 25, 1923. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-06-25 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Schwabach, Bayern Schwabach, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 3056 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, John V. Weinhardt, 30. August 1924. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, John V. Weinhardt, August 30, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-08-30 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcribed -- o:id 7349 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, John V. Weinhardt, 11. Februar 1924. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, John V. Weinhardt, February 11, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-02-11 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11614 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 251 dcterms:description Brief von John V. Weinhardt an seine Eltern und Geschwister, Johann P. und Margarete Weinhardt und Marie Weinhardt und Philipp Weinhardt, 16. Juli 1925. In diesem Brief beschreibt John seine Reaktion auf die Nachricht vom Tod seiner Schwester Johanna. Letter from John V. Weinhardt to his parents and siblings, Johann P. and Margarete Weinhardt and Marie Weinhardt and Philipp Weinhardt, July 16, 1925. In this letter John described his reaction to the news of his sister Johanna's death. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-07-16 16. Juli 1925 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 310 309 311 312 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11539 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 26. August 1923. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, August 26, 1923. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-08-26 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Schwabach, Bayern Schwabach, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 3 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11613 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, 2. Juni 1925. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, June 2, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-06-02 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 310 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcribed -- o:id 11677 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 251 dcterms:description Brief von John V. Weinhardt an seine Eltern und Geschwister, Johann P. und Margarete Weinhardt und Marie Weinhardt und Philipp Weinhardt, 11. Januar 1930. Letter from John V. Weinhardt to his parents and siblings, Johann P. and Margarete Weinhardt and Marie Weinhardt and Philipp Weinhardt, January 11, 1930. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1930-01-11 11. Januar 1930 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 310 309 311 312 dcterms:extent 3 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 foaf:topic 1930-1939 transcription in progress -- o:id 11540 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, 13. September 1923. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, September 13, 1923. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-09-13 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 310 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcribed -- o:id 7362 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 251 dcterms:description Brief von John V. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 12. Juni 1924. Letter from John V. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, June 12, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-06-12 12. Juni 1924 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcribed -- o:id 11570 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 3. April 1924. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, April 3, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-04-03 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11675 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Brief der Familie Weinhardt, August 16, 1927 Weinhardt family letter, August 16, 1927 dcterms:creator 310 312 309 dcterms:description Brief an John V. Weinhardt von seinen Eltern, Margarete und Johann P. Weinhardt, und seinem Bruder, Philipp Weinhardt, 16. August 1927. Letter to John V. Weinhardt from his parents, Margarete and Johann P. Weinhardt, and his brother, Philipp Weinhardt, August 16, 1927. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1927-08-16 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11646 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Philipp Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 3. Juli 1927 Philipp Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, July 3, 1927 dcterms:creator 312 dcterms:description Brief von Philipp Weinhardt an seinen Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 3. Juli 1927. Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, July 3, 1927. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1927-07-03 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Deutschland Germany bibo:translator John G. Weinhardt foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcribed -- o:id 11644 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Brief der Familie Weinhardt, 25. April 1927 Weinhardt family letter, April 25, 1927 dcterms:creator 312 311 309 dcterms:description Brief an John V. Weinhardt von seiner Mutter, Margarete Weinhardt, und seinen Geschwistern Philipp und Marie Weinhardt, 25. April 1927. Die ersten drei Seiten des Briefes wurden von Philipp geschrieben; die vierte Seite und ein Teil der fünften Seite wurden von Margarete geschrieben, und Maries Nachricht steht auf der fünften Seite. Letter to John V. Weinhardt from his mother, Margarete Weinhardt, and his siblings Philipp and Marie Weinhardt, April 25, 1927. The first three pages of the letter were written by Philipp; the fourth page and part of the fifth page were written by Margarete, and Marie's message is on the fifth page. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1927-04-25 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Nürnberg, Bayern Nürnberg, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 5 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11589 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 15. März 1925. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, March 15, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-03-15 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11588 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, John V. Weinhardt, 24. August 1924. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, John V. Weinhardt, August 24, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-08-24 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcribed -- o:id 11568 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 15. Dezember 1923. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, December 15, 1923. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-12-15 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Schwabach, Bayern Schwabach, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7364 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 25. Oktober 1924. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, October 25, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-10-25 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Schwabach, Bayern Schwabach, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7363 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 251 dcterms:description Brief von John V. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 2. September 1924. Letter from John V. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, September 2, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-09-02 2. September 1924 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7356 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 251 dcterms:description Brief von John V. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 1. April 1924. Letter from John V. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, April 1, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-04-01 1. April 1924 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7342 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 251 dcterms:description Brief von John V. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 7. August 1923. Letter from John V. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, August 7, 1923. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-08-07 7. August 1923 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Schwabach, Bayern Schwabach, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 5 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 12108 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 309 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt und Margarete Weinhardt an Hans V. Weinhardt, 27. Mai 1925. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt and Margarete Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, May 27, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-05-27 27. Mai 1925 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 foaf:topic 1920-1929 -- o:id 11676 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Philipp Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 21. Dezember 1929 Philipp Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, December 21, 1929 dcterms:creator 312 dcterms:description Brief von Philipp Weinhardt an seinen Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 21. Dezember 1929. Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, December 21, 1929. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1929-12-21 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 6 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11616 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Philipp Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 28. Juli 1925 Philipp Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, July 28, 1925 dcterms:creator 312 dcterms:description Brief von Philipp Weinhardt an seinen Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 28. Juli 1925. Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, July 28, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-07-28 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11612 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Philipp Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 24. Mai 1925 Philipp Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, May 24, 1925 dcterms:creator 312 dcterms:description Brief von Philipp Weinhardt an seinen Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 24. Mai 1925. Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, May 24, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-05-24 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11611 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Marie Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 19. Mai 1925 Marie Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, May 19, 1925 dcterms:creator 311 dcterms:description Brief von Marie Weinhardt an ihren Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 19. Mai 1925. Letter from Marie Weinhardt to her brother, John V. Weinhardt, May 19, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-05-19 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Nürnberg, Bayern Nuremberg, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11590 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Philipp Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 7. April 1925 Philipp Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, April 7, 1925 dcterms:creator 312 dcterms:description Brief von Philipp Weinhardt an seinen Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 7. April 1925. Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, April 7, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-04-07 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7385 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 311 309 dcterms:description Letter to John V. Weinhardt from his mother, Margarete Weinhardt, and sister Marie Weinhardt, August 30, 1925. Brief an John V. Weinhardt von seiner Mutter, Margarete Weinhardt, und seiner Schwester Marie Weinhardt, 30. August 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-08-30 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language German Deutsch dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 3 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11569 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, John V. Weinhardt, 24. März 1924. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, John V. Weinhardt, March 24, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-03-24 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11567 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, 25. November 1923. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, November 25, 1923. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-11-25 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 310 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11566 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 251 dcterms:description Brief von John V. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 25. Oktober 1923. Letter from John V. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, October 25, 1923. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-10-25 25. Oktober 1923 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Schwabach, Bayern Schwabach, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 3 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11538 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, William W. Weinhardt, 9. August 1923. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his cousin, William W. Weinhardt, August 9, 1923. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1923-08-09 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Schwabach, Bayern Schwabach, Bavaria dcterms:audience 314 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 -- o:id 7355 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 314 dcterms:description Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, John V. Weinhardt, 20. März 1924. Letter from William W. Weinhardt to his cousin, John V. Weinhardt, March 20, 1924. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1924-03-20 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Englisch English dcterms:coverage Lafayette, Indiana Lafayette, Indiana dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11645 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 311 310 309 dcterms:description Brief an John V. Weinhardt von seinen Eltern, Margarete und Johann P. Weinhardt, und seiner Schwester, Marie Weinhardt, 10. Mai 1927. Der erste Teil des Briefes wurde von seiner Mutter geschrieben, der zweite Teil von seiner Schwester und der letzte von seinem Vater. Letter to John V. Weinhardt from his parents, Margarete and Johann P. Weinhardt, and his sister, Marie Weinhardt, May 10, 1927. The first section of the letter was written by his mother, the second section by his sister, and the last by his father. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1927-05-10 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 3 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 -- o:id 7386 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 309 dcterms:description Letter from Johann P. and Margarete Weinhardt to their son, John V. Weinhardt, September 24, 1925. Brief von Johann P. und Margarete Weinhardt an ihren Sohn, John V. Weinhardt, 24. September 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-09-24 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language German Deutsch dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11610 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 309 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. und Margarete Weinhardt an ihren Sohn, John V. Weinhardt, 28. April 1925. Letter from Johann P. and Margarete Weinhardt to their son, John V. Weinhardt, April 28, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-04-28 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 7 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7372 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 309 dcterms:description Letter from Johann P. and Margarete Weinhardt to their son, John V. Weinhardt, April 7, 1925. Brief von Johann P. und Margarete Weinhardt an ihren Sohn, John V. Weinhardt, 7. April 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-04-07 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language German Deutsch dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 English available transcribed -- o:id 21161 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title John Yungmeyer dcterms:relation 13597 dcterms:abstract Yungmeyer was a friend of William Weinhardt, whom Hans (John) Weinhardt had contacted by letter two months earlier in an effort to restore contact between the two branches of the Weinhardt family. Yungmeyer war ein Freund von William Weinhardt, den Hans (John) Weinhardt zwei Monate zuvor brieflich kontaktiert hatte, um den Kontakt zwischen den beiden Zweigen der Familie Weinhardt wiederherzustellen. foaf:surname Yungmeyer-John foaf:knows 314 foaf:member 313 -- o:id 11643 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 311 dcterms:description Brief von Marie Weinhardt an ihren Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 22. September 1925. Letter from Marie Weinhardt to her brother, John V. Weinhardt, September 22, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-09-22 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11642 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Sohn, John V. Weinhardt, 27. August 1925. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his son, John V. Weinhardt, August 27, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-08-27 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11615 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 311 dcterms:description Brief von Marie Weinhardt an ihren Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 27. Juli 1925. Letter from Marie Weinhardt to her brother, John V. Weinhardt, July 27, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-07-27 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 11609 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 311 dcterms:description Brief von Marie Weinhardt an ihren Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 14. April 1925. Letter from Marie Weinhardt to her brother, John V. Weinhardt, April 14, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-04-14 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Nürnberg, Bayern Nürnberg, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7401 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 312 dcterms:description Brief von Philipp Weinhardt an seinen Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 22. September 1927. Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, September 22, 1927. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1927-09-22 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 3 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcribed -- o:id 7397 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Sohn, John V. Weinhardt, 10. Juni 1927. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his son, John V. Weinhardt, June 10, 1927. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1927-06-10 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 1 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7396 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Sohn, John V. Weinhardt, 9. März 1927. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his son, John V. Weinhardt, March 9, 1927. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1927-03-09 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7384 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 312 dcterms:description Brief von Philipp Weinhardt an seinen Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 20. August 1925. Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, August 20, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-08-20 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7378 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 312 dcterms:description Brief von Philipp Weinhardt an seinen Bruder, John V. Weinhardt, 3. Mai 1925. Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, May 3, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-05-03 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 7371 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:creator 310 dcterms:description Brief von Johann P. Weinhardt an seinen Sohn, John V. Weinhardt, 15. März 1925. Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his son, John V. Weinhardt, March 15, 1925. dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1925-03-15 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Windsheim, Bayern Windsheim, Bavaria dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 transcription in progress -- o:id 251 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title John V. Weinhardt Hans V. Weinhardt dcterms:abstract Born Hans Weinhardt; grew up in Schwabach; immigrated to Indiana in the 1920s. Gebürtig Hans Weinhardt; wuchs in Schwabach auf; wanderte in den 1920er Jahren nach Indiana aus. foaf:dnaChecksum 312 311 foaf:knows 314 foaf:fundedBy 310 309 foaf:member 313 -- o:id 314 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title William W. Weinhardt dcterms:relation 13597 dcterms:abstract Descendant of Weinhardt family members who had immigrated to Indiana from Bavaria; sponsor of John Weinhardt's immigration to Indiana. Nachkomme von Mitgliedern der Familie Weinhardt, die aus Bayern nach Indiana eingewandert waren; Förderer der Einwanderung von John Weinhardt nach Indiana. foaf:knows 251 foaf:member 313 -- o:id 7402 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Heinrich Schlee an John V. Weinhardt, 10. Oktober 1926 Heinrich Schlee to John V. Weinhardt, October 10, 1926 dcterms:creator 21158 dcterms:description Brief von Heinrich Schlee an John V. Weinhardt, 10. Oktober 1926 Letter from Heinrich Schlee to John V. Weinhardt, October 10, 1926 dcterms:publisher William J. Weinhardt collection dcterms:date 1926-10-10 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Weinhardt family letters dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Frankfurt-am-Main, Hessen dcterms:audience 251 dcterms:extent 3 dcterms:isPartOf 13597 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1920-1929 -- o:id 21159 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Carrie Weinhardt dcterms:relation 13597 foaf:surname Weinhardt-Carrie foaf:knows 251 310 foaf:interest 314 foaf:member 313 -- o:id 310 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Johann P. Weinhardt dcterms:relation 13597 foaf:maker 312 311 251 foaf:interest 309 foaf:member 313 -- o:id 309 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Margarete Riebel (Weinhardt) dcterms:relation 13597 foaf:maker 312 311 251 foaf:interest 310 foaf:member 313 -- o:id 315 o:resource_template Image Contribution o:resource_class dctype:Image o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Weinhardt family portrait, 1924 dcterms:contributor 312 311 310 309 dcterms:date 1924 -- o:id 21160 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Johanna Weinhardt dcterms:relation 13597 foaf:surname Weinhardt-Johanna foaf:knows 314 foaf:member 313 -- o:id 21158 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner kai.schneider@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Heinrich Schlee dcterms:relation 13597 dcterms:abstract Heinrich Schlee is a friend of John V. Weinhardt, the latter was born under the name of Hans V. Weinhardt. Heinrich Schlee ist ein Freund von John V. Weinhardt, letzterer wurde unter dem Namen Hans V. Weinhardt geboren. foaf:surname Schlee-Heinrich foaf:member 313 -- o:id 312 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Philipp Weinhardt foaf:dnaChecksum 311 251 foaf:fundedBy 310 309 -- o:id 20184 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kuehbauch@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title William Laith to John Dreyer, October 7, 1872 William Laith an John Dreyer, 7. Oktober 1872 dcterms:creator 20273 dcterms:description Letter from William Laith to John Dreyer, October 7, 1872. Brief von William Laith an John Dreyer, 7. Oktober 1872. dcterms:publisher Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley dcterms:date 1872-10-07 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Earle E. Williams Collection of California German Immigrant Letters dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:audience 20272 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 20007 bibo:editor Clara Willmann -- o:id 1339 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Richard Haase to William Haase, May 11, 1908 [?] Richard Haase an William Haase, 11. Mai 1908 [?] dcterms:creator 21357 dcterms:description Postcard from Richard Haase to his cousin William Haase, sent May 11, probably in the year 1908. Postkarte von Richard Haase an seinen Cousin William Haase, gesendet am 11. Mai, wahrscheinlich im Jahr 1908. dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1908(?)-05-11 1908(?)-05-11 1908-05-11 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21358 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed -- o:id 5091 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Wilhelm Stolley an Hermann Crede, 30. Oktober 1864 William Stolley to Hermann Crede, October 30, 1864 dcterms:creator 21348 dcterms:description Brief von William Stolley an Hermann Crede, 30. Oktober 1864. Letter from William Stolley to Hermann Crede, October 30, 1864. dcterms:publisher State Historical Society of Missouri dcterms:date 1864-10-30 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Crede Family Papers dcterms:language Deutsch german dcterms:coverage Grand Island, Nebraska dcterms:audience 19436 dcterms:extent 10 dcterms:isPartOf 13583 -- o:id 1338 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Richard Haase to William Haase, January 30, 1908 Richard Haase an William Haase, 30. Januar 1908 dcterms:creator 21357 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1908-01-30 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Paris dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21358 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial France Frankreich foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed -- o:id 1337 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to William Haase, December 19, 1906 Leopold Haase an William Haase, 19. Dezember 1906 dcterms:creator 19443 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1906-12-19 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Hettstedt, Saxony-Anhalt Hettstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21358 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed -- o:id 1310 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Richard Haase to William Haase, May 22, 1903 Richard Haase an William Haase, 22. Mai 1903 dcterms:creator 21357 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1903-05-22 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Hettstedt, Saxony-Anhalt Hettstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21358 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available untranscribed -- o:id 821 o:resource_template News Item o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner samuel@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Share Your Collections With Us! -- o:id 21850 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title William Crede dcterms:relation 13583 foaf:dnaChecksum 21848 21847 21862 21861 21860 21859 21868 foaf:fundedBy 19436 21844 foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 21358 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title William Haase dcterms:relation 13574 foaf:surname Haase-William foaf:member 19305 -- o:id 21348 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title William Stolley dcterms:relation 13583 foaf:surname Stolley-William foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 6370 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Ernst Friedlin an Wilhelm Friedlin, 23. Mai 1914 Ernst Friedlin to William Friedlin, May 23, 1914 dcterms:creator 21804 dcterms:description Brief von Ernst Friedlin an Wilhelm Friedlin, 23. Mai 1914 Letter from Ernst Friedlin to William Friedlin, May 23, 1914. dcterms:publisher Woods family collection dcterms:date 1914-05-23 dcterms:type Brief dcterms:source Friedlin Letters dcterms:language deutsch German dcterms:coverage Karlsruhe, Baden dcterms:audience 21805 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 13575 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:topic 1910-1919 transcription under review -- o:id 914 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title (TEST) William Swain to John Wayne dcterms:creator William Swain dcterms:date 1904-04-10 dcterms:type letter dcterms:language English dcterms:audience John Wayne -- o:id 311 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Marie Weinhardt -- o:id 21868 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Stefan Anton Crede foaf:dnaChecksum 21862 21861 21860 21859 21850 21848 21847 foaf:fundedBy 19436 21844 foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 21862 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Hermann Crede dcterms:relation 13583 foaf:dnaChecksum 21861 21860 21859 21850 21848 21847 21868 foaf:surname Crede-Hermann foaf:fundedBy 19436 21844 foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 21861 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Franz Crede dcterms:relation 13583 foaf:dnaChecksum 21862 21860 21859 21850 21848 21847 21868 foaf:surname Crede-Stefan-Franz foaf:fundedBy 19436 21844 foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 21860 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Gustav Adolf Crede dcterms:relation 13583 foaf:dnaChecksum 21862 21861 21859 21850 21848 21847 21868 foaf:surname Crede-Adolf-Gustav foaf:fundedBy 19436 21844 foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 21859 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title N.N. Crede (Parents Hermann & Maria Crede) dcterms:description Tochter von Hermann Carl und Maria Crede, die früh verstarb. Daughter of Hermann Carl and Maria Crede, who died young. dcterms:relation 13583 foaf:dnaChecksum 21862 21861 21860 21850 21848 21847 21868 foaf:surname Crede foaf:fundedBy 19436 21844 foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 21848 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:relation 13583 foaf:dnaChecksum 21847 21850 21862 21861 21860 21859 foaf:fundedBy 19436 21844 foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 21847 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Karl Crede dcterms:relation 13583 dcterms:created 1859-12-12 foaf:dnaChecksum 21848 21850 21862 21861 21860 21859 foaf:surname Crede-Karl foaf:maker 21865 foaf:interest 21864 foaf:fundedBy 19436 21844 foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 21844 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Marie Spöhler (Crede) dcterms:description Marie Spöhler (Crede) ist die erste Ehefrau von Hermann Crede. Sie gebiert acht Kinder, von denen nur drei das Erwachsenenalter erreichen werden. Marie Spöhler (Crede) is the first wife of Hermann Crede. She gives birth to eight children, only three of whom will reach adulthood. dcterms:relation 13583 dcterms:modified 1879 foaf:surname Crede-Marie foaf:maker 21847 21850 21848 21862 21861 21860 21859 21868 foaf:interest 19436 foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 21805 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title William Friedlin dcterms:relation 21371 -- o:id 20273 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner kuehbauch@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title William Laith dcterms:relation 20007 foaf:member 20193 -- o:id 19436 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Hermann Carl Crede dcterms:relation 13583 dcterms:created 1836-02-25 foaf:dnaChecksum 19437 21342 21343 21340 21339 21832 foaf:maker 21862 21861 21860 21859 21850 21848 21847 21868 foaf:interest 21336 21844 foaf:fundedBy 19438 19439 foaf:member 19295 -- o:id 19982 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Christian W.T. Benedix dcterms:description Christian William Theodor Benedix was born in Germany in 1839 and immigrated to the United States with his parents in 1852. He served in the U.S. Army in the Civil War and eventually settled in California in the late 1860s. He became a farmer in the community of Franklin, located in Sacramento County, and eventually married and raised his family there. dcterms:relation 19985 foaf:member 19986 -- o:id 5905 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Marie Taylor to Lina Hansen, June 16, 1875 Marie Taylor an Lina Hansen, 16. Juni 1875 dcterms:creator 11604 dcterms:description Letter from Marie Taylor to Lina Hansen, June 16, 1875. dcterms:date 1875-06-16 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage New York, New York dcterms:audience 11603 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13586 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1870-1879 transcribed --