o:id 21337 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Albert Harnickel dcterms:description Albert Harnickell was most probably identical with Albert G. A. Harnickell, Captain of Company F of the 84th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Civil War. Albert Harnickell war höchstwahrscheinlich identisch mit Albert G. A. Harnickell, Hauptmann der Kompanie F des 84th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiments während des Bürgerkriegs. dcterms:relation 13583 dcterms:created 1837 dcterms:modified 1887-04-23 foaf:surname Harnickel-Albert foaf:knows 19439 foaf:member 19295 --