o:id 21704 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Johann Holl to Johann Georg Holl, April 25, 1883 Johann Holl an Johann Georg Holl, 25. April 1883 dcterms:creator 21702 dcterms:description Letter from Johann Holl to his son, Johann Georg Holl, April 25, 1883 Brief von Johann Holl an seinen Sohn, Johann Georg Holl, 25. April 1883 dcterms:publisher Holl family collection dcterms:date 1883-04-25 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Johann Georg Holl Family Letters dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Oberpreuschwitz, Bavaria Oberpreuschwitz, Bayern dcterms:audience 19649 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 19651 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:based_near Shady Bend, Kansas --