Baethge Family Circle
Family members of immigrants Heinrich Baethge and his wife Conradine Pape (Baethge), who emigrated from Mascherode (near Brunswick) to Texas in 1854.
Baur-Eichner Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Baur-Eichner Family Letters
Benecke Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Benecke Family Collection.
Benedix Family Circle
Relatives of immigrant Christian W.T. Benedix.
Blumenberg Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Blumenberg Family Letters
Conz Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Conz Family Letters
Crede Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Crede Family Papers
Dietz Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Dietz Family Collection
Dobberpuhl Family Circle
The group of letters shared here is a small portion of the Dobberpuhl-Krueger Family Collection, a rich archive held by the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies documenting five generations of...
Dreyer Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Dreyer Family Papers.
Emmel Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Emmel Family Letters
Engelmann Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Engelmann Family Letters
Eversmann Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Eversmann Family Letters
Grupe Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Grupe Family Letters
Handel Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Dorothea Handel Schuhmacher Family Letters
Hansen Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Marie Hansen Taylor Correspondence
Hassel Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Hess/Hassel Family Letters
Hilgard Family Circle
The Hilgard family circle includes people who appear in three correspondences: 1) between the Engelmann siblings to their sister Margarethe Hilgard, née Engelmann 2) between Henry Villard alias Heinrich...
Hinrichs Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Hinrichs Family Letters
Höfeln Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Höfeln family letters.
Husam Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Johann Bernard Husam Letters
Klee Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Eugen Klee Papers (Historical Society of Pennsylvania) and the Eugen and Emma Klee Letters (Horner Library, Philadelphia)
Mehler-Flechtker Correspondence
Hugo Eugen Mehler was born in Langerfeld, in the Rhineland, in 1885; Martha Flechtker was born in Barmen in 1889. The couple were married in Germany, and Hugo immigrated to the United States in Philadelphia...
Meyer Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Meyer Brothers Collection
Neubert Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the George Neubert Letters
Nuss Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Nuss Family Letters
Raster Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Raster Family Letters.
Rustemeyer Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Rustemeyer Papers
Schulz Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Schulz Family Letters
Schweitzer-Guggenheimer Family Circle
Relatives and friends of immigrant Isaac Schweitzer and his wife Isabella Guggenheimer.
Sosnowski Family Circle
Members of the family of Sophia Sosnowski.
Weinhardt Family Circle
These are members of the Weinhardt family. They lived in Germany and Indiana.
Wuellner Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Wuellner Family Letters
Ziegenhagen Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the Ziegenhagen Family Letters. Franz (or Frank) Ziegenhagen, born in 1825, married Regina Riemer in 1848 in Damnitz, Kreis Schlochau, West Prussia. They had five children who...
Zimmerman Family Circle
Individuals mentioned in the George A. Zimmerman Family Letters.
Correspondence Circle