Collection: Geschwind Papers


Leopold Haase

Leopold Haase

Recipient: Charles Haase

Description: Fragment of a letter from Leopold Haase of Reval, Russia to his cousin Charles Haase of Richmond, Virginia. The letter is dated according to both the Julian calendar used in the Russian empire (May 25) and the Gregorian calendar used in the United States (June 7).

Leopold Haase to Charles Haase, June 7, 1902

English Text

... that it's worth the effort to make the trip. It's just a stone's throw from our hometown to there anyway, just a few hours on the train. I hired a photographer to shoot a picture of the house, and am now awaiting arrival of same. If it turns out to be good when I get it, I'll have a copy made and sent to you. I slept 3 nights in Hildesheim. I also mailed you from there several postcards with views of the city, some of which are as large as this sheet of stationery; please let me know at your convenience if you got them. Then I went to Lubeck to see my youngest brother, who is a musician in the city orchestra; he has two sons, one is a confectioner and works in Leipzig, the other is a book printer, has just finished his training, and is still with his instructor in Lubeck in ...

Original text