Author: Aron Heilner

Recipient: Sigmund Heilner

Description: Letter from Aron Heilner in Urspringen, Germany to his son Sigmund Heilner, dated July 15, 1853. Aron, Nanni, and Max Heilner congratulate Sigmund for his safe arrival in America. Aron advises Sigmund to work hard and bring honor to his name.

Heilner family letter to Sigmund Heilner, July 15, 1853

English Text

Urspringen, July 15, 1853

Beloved son Sigmund!

Your lovely letter arrived last Monday. I thank God for his goodness to all of us for letting you have such a fast and pleasant journey. May the Lord always be so kind and gracious to you. Your letter brought us great joy in many ways. First, the worries we had concerning you during your journey were taken from us. Second, we could see that Lemann, who is as close to me as one of my own children, and his family are all well. Third, that you and Lemann are very good friends and have a close relationship. That pleases me very much. From our Seligmann, I have still not received a letter. You tell me he has also not written Lemann yet. God grant us that he is still well. His silence, this time, bothers me very much. I am accustomed to waiting for his letters and must keep hoping that everything is all right.

Everything with us is fine. I want to be cheerful like your dear mother and the children and wait each day the mail arrives for a letter from our two boys in America. The one letter that we have waited for has arrived. Now we hope the other will soon come.

What you should now do, I cannot say since I do not know the circumstances there. You must trust our dear Lemann and your own intuition. Just do not delay your intentions too long and do not do anything that is dangerous. At any rate, do not impose too much on Lemann and do not take advantage of his kindness, however, listen to him and be open with him. Most important is to do this: Work hard and do not do anything that will not brin g honor to our name! You know my principles: Endure, be patient, and do without if you must, but never despair! Never take refuge in that that does not agree with your conscience. God will not forsake those who remain faithful and do not despair. I, myself, have many times been in distress and knew no way out. It did not take long, however, before God showed me the way out. Just ask Lemann. He knows what has happened to me in the past and, in fact, has also had similar experiences. Remain in New York, or, at least, in the area, and seek to build a future. Just do not try to get rich overnight. Seligmann is a good example of this. He has expected too much too fast. As soon as he writes to you, let us know. I have nothing more at present to write to you. Joel Rotfeld died and Michael Schloss is here to visit. Whether he will remain or not, I do not think he even knows. Heinemann Klein has been thrown out of Seminar because of a social disease and now wanders around with nothing constructive to do. If he comes to America, you stay completely away from him and have nothing whatsoever to do with him.

Our business is quite slow right now. Wheat has demanded a higher price for the last while. Live well and be brave, alert, and careful. You are the apple of my eye. I am your loving father, Aron Heilner

My very dear son Sigmund!

You can imagine how thrilled we were to hear about your fast and pleasant journey to America. I cannot believe it went so fast. David thought it would take a long time and was sad you would not have any pasteries. Thank God, you have taken one worry from our minds. May God continue to bless you and us that we may now have our second worry taken from us through receiving a letter from Seligmann. At present, we are quite perplexed about having to wait so long for a letter from Seligmann. I do not doubt that Lemann will help you find a job in which you can earn your living and the dear Lord will help you come together with your brother, Seligmann. It is a comfort for us to know that you have had experience in being in new and strange situations. Trust always in the Lord. Be righteous and true and take care of yourself.

As far as we are concerned, your father has already told you just about everything. We speak and think of you often and we hope that much good will come to you. God will make it happen. Live well and I send you much love and kisses. Your mother,

Nanni Heilner

We send our greetings to Lemann and his wife and children. Tell us in your next letter if you have seen any other of our friends from Dome. Apparently, my sister and her husband are also going to New York.

Dear Brother, I also want to send my love and tell you how much I loved your letter. I am so happy you had such a good trip and are now with our dear Lemann. Stay close to God and you will be greatly blessed. This is the wish of your loving sister, Regina

I also want to send my love. I am so happy that you are so soon in America and that we have received a letter so quickly from you. I send my greetings to Lemann. Live well. I remain your loving sister, Caroline

I, your brother and mirror-image send my love from the bottom of my heart. Also I send my greeting to Lemann. Love, David

Beloved brother Sigmund!

You can only imagine the joy your letter brought to me. You are, thank God, in the large city of New York. I wish I could kiss you. You are a lucky man. Not luck, but wonder. You had such a good reception from our good Lemann. We have not heard a word from our beloved Seligmann. We hope daily to hear from him. Much love to Lemann and his wife and family. Live well and go soon to our dear brother, Seligmann.

I love you, Max Heilner