Collection: Schweitzer-Guggenheimer Letter Collection

Author: Ernestine Schweitzer

Recipient: Isabella Guggenheimer (Schweitzer)

Description: Letters from Isaac Schweitzer and Ernestine Schweitzer to Isabella Guggenheimer, July 28, 1875.

Schweitzer family letter to Isabella Guggenheimer, July 28, 1875

English Text

Mühringen, July 28, 1875 Dear sister Isabella! Your esteemed letters are in our possession. We would have already responded directly even sooner if we had found the time for writing. You will often hear from dear Isak about us that we are all well, thank God, and we wish to hear similar news about you and your dear family very soon. We thank you very much for your photo. It is at least a small substitute for the personality [person]. We hope that your wishes as well as ours will come true and the time is not so far away when we will get to know each other personally. We will strive mutually to provide the dear parents only with pleasant things as they have always also tried to do for us. I can imagine that dear Isak tells you so much about Germany and his family that you will no longer feel as a stranger when you are soon going to become a member of our family. Your dear parents [parents-in-law] send you their best regards, likewise my dear sisters from whom we often have pleasant news. Both have dear children, otherwise they would have already visited us this summer but this is not so easy with small children. I think that we will still get a letter from you before the wedding. I already wrote a long letter to Isak today. I expect a pleasant answer soon about how the new business is going. God willing, it will go well. With great diligence and attendance it will soon enjoy a good clientele. Baltimore is supposed to be a pleasant place. You will easily be able to get settled. I notice clearly [in your letters] that you as well as dear Isak are cheerful, you can also see it in the photo. Dear Isak looks quite well and strong, thank God, a token of his contentment. I would be delighted to get a letter from you soon again. In the meantime, however, we send our best regards to you and your family. Please excuse the dear parents, writing is strenuous for them. Next time more, your sister Ernstine Schweitzer [The following note is written in English] Dear Bella: Bettie & I arrived safely but such a slow train was 3 o’clock before I got to my Businiss. The object of this is in haste, got letter from home all well thank God. This is for you from my sister. I want you to write them as nice a letter as you can, you see how anxious they are to hear from you. More to morrow. Your own Isaac [I.S. ?] Einstein paid a visit to my folks.

Original text