Sammlung: Weinhardt Family Letters

Verfasser: William W. Weinhardt

Empfänger: Johann P. Weinhardt

Bezeichnung: Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, 1. August 1923.

William W. Weinhardt an Johann P. Weinhardt, 1. August 1923

Original text






W. W. WEINHARDT, Ex-Sheriff of Tippecanoe County Indiana, Manager


LaFayette, Indiana, August 1, 1923

Mr. Johannes Weinhardt,

Schwaback, Germany.

Dear Friends and Relatives:

I received your letter sometime ago and did not have time to answer it, but I am satisfied that all of you folks are my blood relation and there is not a thing that I wont due to help you as much as I can. You say you have a son that desires to come to this country but at the present time I am not in position to send transportation. However if he should come over I will do everything in my power to see that he is taken care of until he could secure a good job. And as soon as I am able I will also help you people from time to time.

If your son would care to wait until next Fall or Spring I will gladly send him transportation. I would rather have

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him wait until in the Spring due to the fact that I have some money invested. It is an assured fact that if he comes over he will not be a "pauper" on the United States.

I am sending you five dollars in this letter which I hope will help you out during these terrible times which we know exists between France and Germany.

Enclosed you will find a letter written by a German friend of mine who dropped into the office several days ago. In this letter he explains to you about my ancestors which will help you to establish our relationship.

At this present time there is very little that I can say but as I get time I will write you giving you all the information that I can

I am also sending you a picture of myself that I had taken in Cleveland, Ohio

[page 3:] several months ago when I was visiting there.

Hoping that this will find you in the best of health and that you are getting along as well as can be expected during these struggling times, I remain

Yours sincerely,

W. W. Weinhardt.