Sammlung: Weinhardt Family Letters

Verfasser: William W. Weinhardt

Empfänger: Johann P. Weinhardt

Bezeichnung: Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, 13. September 1923.

William W. Weinhardt an Johann P. Weinhardt, 13. September 1923

Original text

Sept. 13, 1923

My Dear Frinds and Relatives,

I received your letter some time ago, but in the letter you did not state whether you received the five dollars I sent to you at that time or not. Of course, I would like to know. I am also sending Friday Sept. 14. six pair of shoes, oxfords In which I would like to hear from you upon their receipt. I also received the picture of the family. As stated in one of my letters before I did not have the money to spare to send to one of the boys to come to our country, but will have some money the first of the year, and if they don't come before that I will advance expense; and can reimberse me as he earns it over here. I will be glad to know when all the trouble is over in the foreign countries; so people can half way live Now I would like to ask what the Swiss movement gold stop watch would cost. I saw a clipping in the paper a while back about a bullet proof sheild for the breast and stomack, used by police officers in Germany. If it does not cost too much, I will send for both the watch and sheild at the same time. I was glad you meet Miss. Ungersma who worked in my office for quite awhile. She wrote and told me you were there to see her.

We are all well at present but myself, and I have been sick for a could of weeks, but will come out all right my-

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I am wishing you all the best of good luck and good health, and do not forget to tell Johanus Jr. that he need- n't worry that if he comes to our country, because he will be taken care of the same as if he were at home.

From your cousin,

W. W. Weinhardt.


P. S. I am glad that I just received your, Aug. 26, letter, and that you received the money. I will write you latter.

W. W. Weinhardt.