Sammlung: Weinhardt Family Letters

Verfasser: William W. Weinhardt

Empfänger: John V. Weinhardt

Bezeichnung: Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, John V. Weinhardt, 24. August 1924.

William W. Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 24. August 1924

Original text

August, 24, 1924.

Mr. Hans Weinhardt,

Gefangnis - Verwalter

Germany Windsheim Bayern.

Dear Friends and Relatives.

I am writeing this letter to find out the reason why you have'nt wrote to me telling when you will arive, or why you have not yet started. You have the ticket and I have sent you $50.00 but I have heard nothing. Please write and let me know what is the matter,

Workm is not very good around here at this time, but it looks as though it will pick up in the near future. We are all well and in the best of health and hope you are the same.

If it is impossible for you to come let me know and I will make the arrangements to reimburse myself for my ticket. With kindest regards to father and mother and all the rest, and hoping to hear from you at an early date, I am as ever,

Your friend and relative.,