Sammlung: Weinhardt Family Letters

Verfasser: William W. Weinhardt

Empfänger: Johann P. Weinhardt

Bezeichnung: Brief von William W. Weinhardt an seinen Cousin, Johann P. Weinhardt, 2. Juni 1925.

William W. Weinhardt an Johann P. Weinhardt, 2. Juni 1925

Original text


June 2, 1925

Mr. Johann Weinhardt,



Germany Bayern

My Dear Friends & Relatives:

It has been quite a long time since I have written to you. In fact I do not recall having written since Hans arrived in this country. But I see that he writes you often, as I supose you are always anxious to know what he is doing and how he is getting along.

I am writing at this time for a very good friend of mine, Dr. T. F. Moran, Professor of History and Government in Purdue University, our city. Dr. Moran is about to make a tour of Europe and if possible will spend some time in Germany and in your city.

Dr. Moran is making this tour in order to study the history of the various countries which he will visit, and also their systems of government and their police and penal systems. Further to collect material to edit a text book of history for use in our colleges.

Will appreciate greatly any courtesies you are able to show him while in your city, and any help you may be able to offer by introducing him to men of your acquaintance who may be able to help him in securing the information he desires.

[page 2:]


Dr. Moran is one of our leading citizens and one of the foremost in his profession in our country. I have known him for a long time and he is a very dear friend of mine, and I sincerely hope that you will be able to look after him during his stay in your city.

With the best of wishes to al, and hoping you are all in the best of health, and thanking you in advance for anything you may be able to do for my friend during his stay in Germany, I am, as ever,

Your sincere friend,

William W. Weinhardt