Sammlung: Schweitzer-Guggenheimer Letter Collection

Verfasser: Isaac Schweitzer


Bertha Guggenheimer (Gerstle)

Julius Gerstle

Bezeichnung: Brief an Bertha Guggenheimer Gerstle ("Birdie") und ihren Ehemann Julius Gerstle, wahrscheinlich geschrieben von Isaac Schweitzer, 4. April 1897. Schweitzers Frau Isabella Guggenheimer Schweitzer war die ältere Schwester von Bertha Gerstle. In dem Brief geht es offenbar um die Regelung des Nachlasses des Vaters der Schwestern, Isaac Guggenheimer.

Isaac Schweitzer [?] an Bertha und Julius Gerstle, 4. April 1897 [Fragment]

Original text

Frankenthal April 6 1897 Dear Birdie & Julius You know dear Julius men in Business have most work enough, so that I can be excused from privat correspondenz especially yet as dear Carrie keeps you all posted on what is going on in familie affairs. I will therefore at once go over to what I wish. I suppose you dear Julius know that I gave after the death of dear Pa [?] to cousin Henry power of attorney. The first division was by him regulated promptly. I know however that a second division has taken place & although I wrote to Cousin Harry more than ½ year ago to send the part I have to receive as Bella’s share. I am today without any answer. I must say I find this way of attenting such matters by no means correct. Dear Carrie also wrote her [? Affair]. Harris gave no answer. I therefore ask you to be kind enough to look into this settlement & tell Harris to forward to me what to me belongs.