Isaac Schweitzer an Isabella Schweitzer, 29. November 1876

Original text

Mühringen, Nov. 29 / 76 My dear wife, Knowing I have forwarded letters to you promptly every week I think therefore you will get them on time. Yours of the 9th inst. was recd during my absence & hasten to reply. I am very glad indeed your Ma is improving & that all the rest are in good health. Can say the same of myself & folks. I suppose I need not answer your questions if I miss you as you know I do, so much so that I would like to give you a half a dozen kisses at once. Since I am away from you I have learned ------- well I won’t write what, but will tell you as soon as I have the chance to speak to you. You might become too proud if I sooner write what I will tell you so you have to wait but hope not too long. You ask me if I enjoyed my tour. Have made several but with the least intention to seek pleasure as I am still in mourning. I avoid all places of amusement & only seek practical information relating to business. I have been as you can see from last letter to Frankenthal a very nice place of about 10000 population, with gas, RRoad, factories, & a rich country all around. Tuesday & Friday every week market day which influences the business like a court day in Fincastle. The present owner A. Neuberger has carried on the business for about 15 years & is to day so rich (I judge ¼ million Guldens) that he is able to retire from business, is only 47 years old, but suffers from his eyes & the Dr. told him he must stop business or he will get blind. I was there with Mr. Wertheimer abt 3 weeks ago & he would only sell to partners after he has recd satisfactory information which he got & then he wrote he would sell out to us. We were there last Friday & Saturday, examined his books &c. I believe it is a No 1 business place & not many in Germany like it, where the opposition is not too great, about 6 or 7 other large houses are there in the same line, but from a brother Mason I learned, & others also, he has done the largest Dry Goods business. He ask Mark 1800.00 pr annum for rent for store, office, two rooms for storing goods, cellar &c. Can rent for 3 years with the privilege of 3 other years. (4 Mark are about 94ct Gold). Large safe, beds for 3 young men, & other [?] 900 Mark the goods left on 1st January for cash about 7000 Mark we judged at their value at present. That means deduction on all goods, bought before 1st October /76. The store is on the corner of Market place. Therefore the best location. Mr. Neuberger will live upstairs, would have to rent a dwelling which could be done. There are several Americans there, proprietor of Hotel & merchants. I have time until the 5th of December to decide yes or no & await an answer from Mr. Wertheimer to certain questions before I will do so. Will let you know as soon as I have decided as I would then commence to live there. I think you will not object to the decision when made. About 50 families Jews are there, but the majority is very much reformed. The hotel kept by Jews is the [? best] as Kosher as Prescott House N York & you eat as fine there as in any hotel I have been. I recd yesterday several papers, to day Sunday dispatch from 12th Sol Lauer handwriting. Is he in Phila? & What is he driving at? I will as a matter of course need my money in case I buy & will write as soon as I know to Nathan & Stein Bros. I may draw on Sl & B. for a portion & the balance will have to be sent pr check. Will ask your Pa to make the settlement. The [? wire] I suppose is not clear now. Had to lay still a while before settled again quiet [sic] more next time with love to all & many kisses for you my dear from your own Isaac. All my folks send love to all of you. Have read a letter from Memmingen . All well & want to know how soon you, dear Bella are coming. All well there. Business enough now [? J.B.G.] writes.