Isaac Schweitzer an Isabella Schweitzer, 4. Februar 1877

Original text

Frankenthal Feb. 4 / 1877 My dear Bella, Yours of the 20th was received yesterday, as also a letter from Nathan, saying he had forwarded money to N York & two letters from [? E--] containing 1st & 2nd exchange on [?]. Will answer shortly both of them. Nathan wrote very nicely [? E--] a mere business letter after keeping the money 5-6 days & difference [? E--] I suppose makes $20.00 gold for Nathan money at 106 9/16 – 4 Mark 75 days date equal to 60 [?] 94 5/8 cent. They write [? &] “Trust you will find the 2 Bills correct” & suppose I don’t? I will however write the circumstance to Nathan. Now my dear I come to reply to some of your remarks. Firstly I think if I was in bygone days not quiet [sic] as liberal with my expressions towards you, or any one else, it was caused by having things on my mind, which troubled me. I am too much of consciencous [sic] person & if I have not fully kept my once given promise as I understand it, it was resting on my mind. You know I expected to return to Europe, but the nearer I came to loose [sic] you, the more I liked you & so – you know the balance ----- to make this short my letter would get too long, but will talk it over with you if you wish when I give you a kiss now & then during the conversation, so if I say sweetheart I say my feelings without disguise. Sometimes it is not good to tell ones wife too much but I believe & know I have a good girl for a wife & think also you love me as much. I am (now) to day younger than I was 1 year ago. My mind is easy. I do not run the risk in business as I do in America. More solid basis. If I do not quite make as much, I can’t loose it either as quick. I do not need so much. Here my circumstances are better in proportion as in Baltimore one dollar is about 4 Marks. You can be quiet [sic] consoled, you will learn German quick enough (bring Schiller along & also Centennial History) & a good many persons here can speak English. A Mrs. Loeb & daughter (young lady) & the whole families formerly of Louisiana, a Mr. & Mrs. Hirsch, he formerly of Harrisburg Pa, met them last night at Turner Ball. Went there but did not dance. Both speak English (he is merchant like we are) but seems a gentleman & lady have now invited Mr. W. myself very nicely to visit them. The fashion is here strangers have to pay visits first to those they wish to associate with so you know that beforehand I will call on Hirsch shortly. You write my company would be the best. I wish I could be your companion. I would not mind it at all, to pay you all a flying visit & bring you along, but such a trip I will postpone to some future time when we are more able. You know I have not made any money since Oct. / 75 & have to be carefull not to go backwards. Economy is the road to fortune. It would cost me ay 200-250 dollars besides the loss of time in my new & young business & think we can use that money better. I know you do not expect it. I have no doubt you can get some good lady company, sometimes a familie travels with grown daughters, & they are not in one berth, or the stewardess [sic], who are there for to attend & wait on the ladies, 3 or 4 women who are in each first & second cabin as stewartess will & are duty bound to attend any lady passenger, sick or well, & if the steamer is not crowded, you can make arrangement with one of them lady waiters to stay with you at nights. You will soon find company as first class passenger. I trust you will have a good pleasant voyage but even if you are first a little seasick it is nothing healthier, the best medicine in the world, after you are off the steamer than you feel like a fish in the water. Bring the picture the large one of dear Pa & Ma [?] along so we can have them framed here & other pictures from Uncle Henry Aunt Mina & all the children. Our cook cooks what we tell her. We don't wish fine eating, only good domestic familie dinner (?).