Sammlung: Schweitzer-Guggenheimer Letter Collection

Verfasser: Isabella Guggenheimer (Schweitzer)


Hirsch Schweitzer

Ernestine Schweitzer

Bezeichnung: Brief von Isabella Guggenheimer (Schweitzer) an die Familie Schweitzer, 30. März 1876.

Isabella Guggenheimer (Schweitzer) an Familie Schweitzer, 30. März 1876

Original text

OFFICE OF SWEITZER, LAUER & GUGGENHEIMER Importers and Jobbers of Fancy Groceries, Segars and Tobacco, No. 50 German Street, Baltimore, March 30, 1876 Dear Father and dear sister! I also want to add my warm greetings and I hope that this [letter] will find you in good health like it leaves us, thank God. 8 days ago we gave up our household since it was too far away from Isaac’s store. Since then we are staying at a Jewish restaurant, just a few doors from his business place. I will stay here until May 1 and then I will go home in order to stay for a few months. You will notice the reason very easily, otherwise there is nothing new. Dear Isaac already wrote everything about the business himself – although he could not do much until now since it takes time like everything else. I hope that the holidays will pass well and I hope to hear from you soon. This is the wish of your loving daughter and sister Belle S.