
Community Contributions

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Verfasser: Daniel Dickel

Empfänger: Wilhelm Dickel

Bezeichnung: Brief von Daniel Dickel an seinen Cousin Wilhelm Dickel, 8. Februar 1922. Daniel Dickel erklärt, dass sein Vater Frederick Georg Dickel, der in Kelona Iowa lebt, einen Brief von Wilhelm Dickel erhalten hat, den dieser im Vorjahr an Frederick Dickel aus Amana, Iowa, geschickt hatte (siehe Wilhelm Dickel an Frederick Wilhelm Dickel, 16. November 1921).

In diesem Brief notiert Daniel Dickel, dass Frederick Wilhelm, der Wilhelms Onkel ist, früher gestorben war und teilt die Informationen, dass die Nachkommen eines weiteren Onkels Wilhelms noch in Amana lebten.

Daniel Dickel an Wilhelm Dickel, 8. Februar 1922

Original text

Kalona Iowa


Dear Friend: -

My Father received a letter from you and it was addressed for Frederick Wilhelm Dickel and he was very glad to hear from you. But sorry to say that Frederick Wilhelm Dickel is dead at Amana Iowa. But the letter got to his cousin Frederick George Dickel that lives 20 miles south of Amana Iowa and his address is Kalona Iowa and was located by the American Red Cross of New York for you. And he is the only one that is alive yet at this time and he had two brothers and one sister in Amana. There names was Daniel and George and Elizabeth Dickel. All four of those are of Horde in Westfalen Germany. But the two brothers that you was looking for are dead at Amana Ia. But some of Philipp Dickel children are living yet at Amana Iowa and we tell them about you so they can write to you also. But as near as we can find out Frederick Wilhelm Dickel had no children.

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My father name is Frederick and his father name was Frederick and they had five children, but one of those died in Germany, her name was Sophia and the other four came to America, all of those are dead but my father. My father was born January 3th 1838 and now is 84 years of age and is in poor health now. He came over in the year of 1868 he was the last one to come over here of that family. And his father Frederick died in 1846 or 1847, the time of his death is not known for sure. But if you will look in the old church book you may find in there about Frederick Dickel and his five children. Write us all about the Dickel relatives in Germany for we would like to hear from them all. I write all that I know about the Dickel relation in America. My father was very glad to hear from his relation in Germany again. My father has one boy and three girls. I hope you can read this letter or get some to read it for you for this is the only way I can write and

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my father is not able to write any more. I will close for this time hoping to hear from you soon and we will answer you again. And we as four children would like to hear more from Germany.

Yours Very Truly

Daniel Dickel


